Saturday, 18 April 2015

Men or Women: who is the more complicated gender?

Who do you believe to be more complicated a man or a woman?
At the first glace I have said it depends on the individual (you can’t compare apples to banana :p). But for me, at full blast, I think I am probably more complicated than men :$.
Women are often labeled as complicated in our society. To men it looks common since they are not one of them and usually know very little about women so that they do not understand them that much. To women it’s also a common thought since they fail many times to interpret their feelings or actions. But what exactly make them give the impression of being more complicated?
Women are usually known to think with their hearts rather than their minds, which make them very emotional, the fact that makes them be more complicated. They are easily tricked and can be hurt easily when they face problems with their personal relationships and get disappointed when they do not have their emotional needs fulfilled.  Also women today tend to perform multiple roles of being the lover, the wife, the mother, the daughter, the sister and the professional, which creates a large burden on them making their behaviors more complicated and their lives more complex. Men agree that women usually care a lot about minor and unimportant issues which could mean nothing to a man. This would leave a woman disappointed when she’s not understood and a man wondering what the matter is. Moreover many times you could notice that the woman could never forget anything that bothered her once which could interfere with her present and future life which is rarely the case with a man.  Also a woman cares a lot about her outer appearance and would like to be always the center of attention which might also explain why she looks complicated many times. A man fails occasionally from time to time to understand a woman failing again and again to give a right answer. If a woman asks her man concerning her weight or whether she looks fatter, the man absolutely, extremely, totally fails this question. If he says “no” then he would be called a liar, and if he says “yes” he would be left alone for his lack of feelings, outlook, interest and attention!  A woman would rarely tell her man exactly what’s wrong. She only tries to give some secret codes wishing and expecting him to understand, where the complication starts when her wish does not come true!
Lastly, we can say that every complication can be turned into a simpler one just by deep understanding of such matter to make any relationship more meaningful.

1 comment:

Armig's Journey said...

if you ask these questions to men they usually answer that women need a "book" to understand them. on the contrary, women will answer that all men are the same, complicated and out of control. For me, I'm the complicated one and not my husband. most Often,he tries to understand me but I make my life complicated:( I have to work on my weakness.